AAC conférence “Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Subject Didactics”, 14-16 mai 2024, Université de Trier, Allemagne

This conference arises from co-opera0on through the KOSS network (Knowledge and Quality across Schools and Teacher Educa0on). This has been funded by the Swedish Research Council (2019-2023) as a network in Subject Didac0cs (Ämnesdidak0k) within the wider field of Educa0onal Sciences. The core of the network has involved research groups in subject-specific educa0on in Sweden, Finland and England and has s0mulated links interna0onally. As a result, we now wish to extend the reach of the network and to invite discussion of tradi0ons and contemporary trends in subject didac0cs more widely. This implies reflec0on on the history and current rela0on between general didac0cs and subject didac0cs and on specific developments in subject didac0c research, highligh0ng the importance of transna0onal, interdisciplinary research that has been developed in the last years. The conference also places an emphasis on research regarding professional development and teacher educa0on, on teachers and students as reflec0ve and ac0ve par0cipants in teaching and learning in 0mes of societal change and challenges, as well as on curricula, their development and studies in this research field.

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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
aureliepasquier (7 septembre 2023). AAC conférence “Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Subject Didactics”, 14-16 mai 2024, Université de Trier, Allemagne. Les Carnets de SFERE-Provence. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u3d6

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