le 7 Octobre de 9h30 à 12H, nous proposons à ceux qui le souhaitent, de participer à une réunion avec deux collègues en visite dans le cadre du projet PHC AMADEUS
- Scientific presentation “What makes a European teacher? European trends in teacher education” by Symeonidis, Vasileios
- Scientific presentation “Implementation of the SDGs in the Austrian education system” by Melina Tinnacher
- Vasileios Symeonidis, PhD
Vasileios Symeonidis is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Education Research and Teacher Education at the University of Graz, Austria. He has previously worked as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow for the European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE) and is currently a board member of TEPE and InFo-TED. His research interests include teacher education policy and practice, international and comparative education, and experiential dimensions of learning.
- Melina Tinnacher
Melina Tinnacher is a doctoral student and scientific employee at the Institute of Education Research and Teacher Education at the University of Graz, Austria. She has finished her Teacher Training in Inclusion and has a Master’s degree in Inclusive Education. Her current research field is Education for Sustainable Development in Relation to the Sustainable Development Goals in the Dimensions of Inclusion and Sustainability.
Pour y assister, connectez-vous au lien ci-après : https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/98025934242?pwd=L3hxU1BxeFovVC9GQUdvSHZhRjk4dz09
Contact : IMPEDOVO Maria antonietta <maria-antonietta.IMPEDOVO@univ-amu.fr>
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Anne Scher (22 septembre 2021). Séminaire EAST/ADEF le 7 octobre 2021 Inspé Campus Etoile, salle 327. Les Carnets de SFERE-Provence. Consulté le 3 décembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u318